PRESS RELEASE17.6.2021Municipal Court in Sarajevo on imposing prohibitive measures on Abdulah Hajdarević who threatened Senad Hadžifejzović
OTHERS WRITE5.6.2021Hadžifejzović: My youngest son was approached in front of the BBI center by Abdulah Hajdarević and he sat a meter away from him
INVESTIGATION2.6.2021Prosecutor Tomić files appeal against release of Hajdarević who threatened Senad Hadžifejzović
MESSAGES31.5.2021From the EU Delegation for "Avaz": We strongly condemn all threats and attacks on journalists
ON THE SPOT31.5.2021Hearing for threatening a prominent journalist: Hajdarević waved to Hadžifejzović in the courtroom
PRESS RELEASEMunicipal Court in Sarajevo on imposing prohibitive measures on Abdulah Hajdarević who threatened Senad Hadžifejzović17.6.2021
OTHERS WRITEHadžifejzović: My youngest son was approached in front of the BBI center by Abdulah Hajdarević and he sat a meter away from him5.6.2021
INVESTIGATIONProsecutor Tomić files appeal against release of Hajdarević who threatened Senad Hadžifejzović2.6.2021
MESSAGESFrom the EU Delegation for "Avaz": We strongly condemn all threats and attacks on journalists31.5.2021
ON THE SPOTHearing for threatening a prominent journalist: Hajdarević waved to Hadžifejzović in the courtroom31.5.2021