The Troika, SNSD, and HDZ BiH will not meet today to talk about the political crisis in BiH

The meeting has been canceled, and plans were to be presented on the de-escalation of the political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Troika, SNSD, and HDZ BiH will not meet today. Fena


Representatives of the "Troika" parties (SDP BiH, Our Party and People and Justice Party) and coalition partners the SNSD and the HDZ BiH will not meet in the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH today.

As N1 reports, the meeting has been canceled, and plans were to be presented on the de-escalation of the political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

This topic was also discussed last week at the meeting in the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Representatives of the international community expressed their support for finding a solution to the current political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina caused by the secessionist and pro-Russian policies of Milorad Dodik and his partners in power.

Namely, the government of the entity of Republika Srpska passed laws in the National Assembly of the RS that it will no longer implement decisions of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the High Representative.

As it was pointed out at the meeting, this is a direct attack on the constitutional and legal order of the state of BiH, but also on the Dayton Peace Agreement.
