What is behind the latest statements of these parties: False conflict between SDA, SNSD and HDZ!?

The question arises as to why the SDA is coming out to public with such a document at this very moment, to which the HDZ and the SNSD promptly respond

Izetbegović, Dodik and Čović: They argue in public, but they make agreements behind the curtains. Archive

Danijal Hadžović

The Democratic Action Party (SDA) has prepared a document that contains their view of political problems and potential solutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although the document has not yet been made public, but allegedly only given to officials of this party for inspection, SNSD and HDZ leaders Milorad Dodik and Dragan Čović are already reacting violently to it.

Symmetric solutions

In the SDA's document, SNSD and HDZ are blamed for the crisis, and it is claimed that they are the ones who are blocking the work of state institutions, which is bordered by secessionism and demands for new ethnic divisions.

It is also pointed out that Serbia and Croatia do not respect the Dayton Agreement and that those countries in BiH are helping their satellites. SDA calls on America, Great Britain and the European Union to solve the crisis. The SDA also requests the introduction of symmetrical solutions related to the House of Peoples of the FBiH and the Council of the Peoples of the RS.

Milorad Dodik reacted to this, who concluded that Serbia needs to be much more involved in the internal affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dodik also points out that it is difficult to find a point of compromise with the politics of the SDA, especially if you take into account the increasingly frequent war-mongering statements of that party.

The HNS also reacted promptly, and they said that they condemn and reject the claims made and they have pointed out that they believe that the SDA and Izetbegović, instead of advocating stability and looking for solutions in BiH, are increasingly, without a specific reason, straining the relations between the constituent nations in BiH. The HNS also claim that they invited their partners to a political dialogue in order to calm radicalization and move towards a Euro-Atlantic future, however, according to our information, none of the leaders of the other parties were contacted.

Already seen

Because of all this, the question arises as to why the SDA is coming out to public with such a document at this very moment, to which the HDZ and SNSD then respond promptly. Of course, the SDA is not the only one that goes public with controversial documents and proposals, because of which we then witness mutual fights between national political parties. A few days ago Čović announced that the HNS was preparing solutions for the territorial reorganization of BiH if there were no electoral solutions according to their will, to which, you guessed it, the SDA and their partner Komšić reacted violently.

Previously, Izetbegović also "counted" fighters and drones, and HNS called for Jerusalem to be recognized as a capital city. Admittedly, after the sanctions and interventions of Christian Schmidt, Dodik is a bit calmer, at least compared to the usual intensity of his inciting rhetoric.

Therefore, it is necessary to ask whether the latest tensions we are witnessing and the maximalist ideas, threats and harsh words uttered by the three leading national parties are actually a fake, mutually agreed and prepared conflict, a "false flag" operation to raise tensions and inter-ethnic hatred in which some, like they attack and threaten, and others, like, defend, and so on.

Analyzing the previous election cycles and the behavior of key political actors, we can conclude that this is exactly what is happening. Only, the question is whether the citizens and peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina will fall for these cheap tricks again this time.

Rerun of 2018.

Let's recall the situation before the 2018 elections. The members of the SDA and the DF told us that the SNSD and the HDZ were preparing to destroy the state, the SDA published its declarations in which it called for the abolition of the entities and the creation of a civil BiH, Dodik announced secession, and Čović a third entity.

Of course, none of the above came to fruition in practice, but in a heated atmosphere, these three parties repeated their electoral success in 2018.
