Nešić: As a Serb, I do not feel comfortable when Izetbegović calls me a person who committed genocide and threatens with war

B&H will have a bright future when they understand one thing in good faith, and that is that B&H has as much as everyone in it feels comfortable, says the president of DNS

Nenad Nešić. Archive

D. Hadžović

Nenad Nešić, the president of the DNS, commented for "Avaz" on the announcement that the opposition parties in the Federation and RS could form a single bloc against the opposition government.

Enough of the politics of confrontation

Nešić states that both the Federation of B&H, as well as the Republic of Srpska, need changes and responsible politicians who will send a policy of confrontation into the past, while young people are leaving and the people are living poorer and poorer.

- It is clear that the SDA-SNSD-HDZ team is not capable of solving problems and that they are throwing balls at each other with tensions, playing the card of national voter mobilization. The stronger their rhetoric, the poorer the people, and crime and corruption flourish. Thanks to them, we became a captive society. Those political parties should be sent to the past. If nothing else, 80 people die every day in B&H from their "good" and their inability to procure vaccines. And everyone dies equally - Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks.

The DNS president told us that Bosnia and Herzegovina needs a reset of relations. According to him, the current ruling parties are not able to do that. According to him, the biggest responsibility for that lies with the political parties based in Sarajevo, because they also represent the people who are the most numerous.

- B&H will have a bright future when they understand one thing in good faith, and that is that B&H has as much as everyone in it feels comfortable with. As a Serb, I cannot feel comfortable in a country where the leader of the largest Bosniak party calls my children and me "people who commited genocide" and threatens with war, while I am the one who does not live in the city where I was born, says Nešić.

Accept Dayton

Nešić points out that he and the DNS are ready to cooperate with every political party from the Federation that says that it accepts the Dayton structure of B&H, respects the Republic of Srpska and the Serbian people.

- That is the basis for resetting the existing climate and relations. When that basic trust is built and fears are removed, then topics on which there is consensus can be easily defined. The measure of patriotism today is not who will spit harder in the neighboring yard, as the ruling „Trojka“ does, but who will get more vaccines, create more jobs, increase pensions and salaries, create a better economic environment, reform public companies so that they are efficient, have better schools and faculties, better health care, more highways and roads, says Nešić.

The President points out that he would like RS and FB&H to compete on who will deal more effectively with crime and corruption.

- I did not think about a formal platform for the 2022 elections, but I share the view that both RS and FB&H need a strong alternative and changes that will be for the better, and not just for the sake of change. As the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, once said, "we should put ourselves in the shoes of others." When we do that, when we start thinking about how our actions and words affect others, and what are the consequences of what we say and do, then there will be more responsibility here and we will live more normally. It is time to finally see through and stop the throwing of Bakir-Mile-Dragan balls, and start living like the normal world lives, Nešić thinks.
