Police on Vukanović's arrest: In less than four hours, the SDS MP was reported twice

According to Jovana Cvijetić, spokeswoman for the Trebinje Police Department, Vukanović was detained for disturbing public order

Nebojša Vukanović. Agencies

P. Mucović

Nebojša Vukanović, SDS MP in the RS National Assembly, was arrested today in Trebinje at 10:40 AM.

According to Jovana Cvijetić, a spokeswoman for the Trebinje Police Department, Vukanović was detained for disturbing public order.

- Police officers of the Trebinje Police Station today, around 10:40 AM, arrested a person with the initials N.V. for violations committed under the Law on Public Order and Peace of RS. The mentioned person has been reported twice since this morning for disturbing public order and peace. The first report was received around 7 AM when N. V. insulted a person with the initials B. S., president of the Trebinje District Court. The second report was received at around 10:30 AM when a person with the initials N. V. was reported to be filming persons with the initials M. B. and B. S., presidents of the Basic and District Courts in Trebinje, as well as for shouting at Trg slobode in Trebinje. The person also refused to act on the legally issued order of the police officers during the deprivation of liberty - said Cvijetić and added that the District Public Prosecutor's Office in Trebinje was informed about the event.

Further work on the above reports is in progress.