Čović: The agreement between the Eight and HDZ opens a completely new dimension of relations

He pointed out that, after a long time, "by signing this agreement, we can say that we have a coalition because for the last four years we absolutely did not have that"

Dragan Čović. Avaz

H. J. I.

The document "Guidelines, principles and goals in the executive and legislative authorities for the period 2022 - 2026" was signed today at the BiH Parliamentary Assembly in Sarajevo.

The document was signed on behalf of the coalition of the parties led by the HDZ BiH by the leader of that party, Dragan Čović, and on behalf of the coalition of the eight political parties, the document was signed by the leader of the Social Democratic Party of BiH, Nermin Nikšić.

Completely new dimension of political behavior

The signed document consists of three parts, namely Euro-Atlantic integration, political stability and the rule of law, and social justice and the economy.

After the signing, Čović told journalists that a particularly important step forward has been made today for everyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

- We signed an agreement on our cooperation for the next four years at all levels of government, convinced that the agreement opens up a completely new dimension of political behavior, relations in politics, and political culture in order to primarily open the European perspective of BiH. On the other hand, it will stabilize all the processes in BiH, and ensure the regular operation of all institutions - said Čović.

Excellent basis

Equally, he added, social and economic policy has a special place in these three sets that we signed today.

- I would like to thank the partners with whom we have been talking for a long time, that we managed in these 10-15 days, a relatively short time for such a number of parties and different considerations in the views of relations in BiH in recent years, to arrive very quickly at the text of the agreement, which will be an excellent basis for those who will represent the holders of executive and legislative power on behalf of this joint coalition - said Čović.

He pointed out that, after a long time, "by signing this agreement, we can say that we have a coalition because for the last four years we absolutely did not have that".
