SDA: We have enough hands to overthrow the Government of TC

As for SBB's strategic commitment, our position is not to form a coalition with the SDA or help them overthrow the existing or establish a new coalition majority, Kapo said

Government of Kadrija Hodžić. Avaz

E. Maslo

Tuzla Canton (TK) could get a new executive power next week, because the opposition has secured a sufficient number of hands to remove the current TC government, headed by Kadrija Hodžić (SDP), the "Avaz" portal has learned.

As the president of the Cantonal Committee of the SDA, Fahrudin Skopljak, told "Avaz", 16 representatives of the opposition in TC signed the request to convene an emergency session of the Assembly and it is scheduled for Monday.

The Party of Democratic Action (SDA) collected 16 signatures to convene the session, along with staff from the Democratic Front (DF), the Social Democrats of BiH (SDBiH) and the Party for BiH (SBiH), and the request was sent to the Cantonal Assembly.

He stated that they have enough hands to overthrow the Government of Tuzla Canton even without the help of SBB representatives.

No steps forward

Fahrudin Skopljak: No steps forward have been recognized. Avaz

- From the beginning, we believe that this government has not responded to the task, in 12 departments, as many as there are in the Government, no steps forward have been recognized. The government dealt well only with personnel. At the same time, they have a stable budget, which the citizens of Tuzla Canton could not feel. We have been saying for a long time that it is socially responsible to remove this government and we think that this is a good direction - stated Skopljak.

Amer Capo, Secretary General of SBB BiH, said that this party has two representatives in the TC Assembly.

Amer Kapo: Our position is not to form a coalition with the SDA. Avaz

- As for the strategic commitment of SBB, our position is not to form a coalition with the SDA or help them demolish the existing or establish a new coalition majority. We promised the voters that this experience is behind us, and if someone decides differently based on their assessments of what is in the best interest of the citizens of TC, it is their political responsibility - Kapo told for "Avaz".

SBB exclusively represents citizens

SBB representative in the TC Assembly Lejla Vuković said that, according to the information, there is a sufficient number of hands to remove the Government.

Lejla Vuković: We will not be a part of new government. Avaz

- We can say with certainty that we will not be part of the new government in TC, we will not have our own ministers. SBB exclusively represents citizens - Vuković stated briefly.