See what the report of the Working Group on nepotism of Nedžad Hamzić and Lejla Vuković contains

Hamzić and Vuković were expelled from the Alliance for a Better Future yesterday because the incredible level of nepotism and clientelism was confirmed, which they conducted personally for years with a small circle of their associates

Lejla Vuković and Nedžad Hamzić: Excluded from SBB. Fena

H. J. I.

After the Presidency of the Alliance for a Better Future (Savez za bolju budućnost SBB) expelled two members of the Tuzla Canton Assembly at yesterday's session for initiating and lobbying for the adoption of laws that caused political damage to SBB, and for nepotism and clientelism, "Dnevni avaz" reveals the content of the document, ie the report of the Working Group on the established factual situation on personnel deviations in the Tuzla Canton, on the basis of which Nedžad Hamzić and Lejla Vuković were excluded.

Facsimile of the Working Group Report: Numerous Evidences of Nepotism. Screenshot

The document of the Working Group confirmed the incredible level of nepotism and clientelism, which was carried out for years by MPs with a small circle of their associates, working behind the back of SBB membership in Tuzla Canton and all without the knowledge of the SBB Headquarters.

A report on the nepotism of now former SBB members. Screenshot

Among other things, according to the report, it was confirmed that MP Nedžad Hamzić hired his son and wife into state-owned companies,

for whose employment people from SBB have already been tried once, and currently the indictment against three members of the commission has been confirmed, and again for the employment of Hamzić's wife.

The report was prepared by the Working Group. Screenshot

Also, as far as MP Vuković is concerned, as it is written in the document, the Working Group determined that she has secured and lobbied for a permanent job in the Health Insurance Institute of Tuzla Canton, as long as she is in the mandate of MP.

In the meantime, the working group received more compromising information and it will be submitted to the competent Prosecutor's Office.