Radončić: SDA and HDZ agreed to introduce electronic records in the elections

If SNSD and Mr. Dodik do not agree to that, then it means that they declare themselves as thieves in the elections, but I think that is a done deal, says Radončić

Fahrudin Radončić. Avaz

L. M.

After Fahrudin Radončić and other leaders of opposition parties yesterday at a meeting with Matthew Palmer and Angelina Eichhorst clearly said that if the ruling parties want the support of the opposition, they must first give the opposition a guarantee that they will have fair and honest elections, today leaders of ruling parties in FB&H, agreed with this request.

This means raising election standards, which include the integrity of elections, automatic counting, scanning, video surveillance at polling stations, and disabling changes to polling stations.

Today, the leader of SBB confirmed that SDA and HDZ, ie Bakir Izetbegović and Dragan Čović, during the negotiations in the building of the EU Delegation, agreed to introduce it.

- What is a good result of these talks, I think that both Mr. Čović and Mr. Izetbegović agreed that their parties vote to raise election standards and that there will be no more election theft if the SNSD agrees. If SNSD and Mr. Dodik do not agree to that, then it means that they declare themselves as thieves in the elections. I think it is already an agreed matter - Radončić revealed.
