Radicals and government hawks threaten Avaz journalists

Embassies in Sarajevo, journalist associations, international organizations, police and prosecutors are informed about everything

Piše: E. T.

A facsimile of a leaflet circulating on the Internet and social networks. Avaz

In recent days, a leaflet has been circulating on Facebook and other social networks in which radical elements and a "respirator" octopus calls for a lynching and attack on Daily avaz journalists for our writing about the "Respirators" affair, the situation at the Sarajevo Clinical Center., giving space in our newspapers for opposition views and messages from protests of citizens who are dissatisfied with how the government in the Federation, led by the SDA, responded to the coronavirus pandemic, and because of the catastrophic effect, ie non-procurement of vaccines to save endangered lives of the people in Federation of B&H.

On that occasion, "Avaz" sent a letter and informed about everything the embassies of the USA, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Great Britain, France, Spain, Norway, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Japan, Turkey, Austria, Switzerland ..., the OSCE Mission to B&H, OHR, EU Delegation, USAID, Press Helpline, B&H Association of Journalists, B&H Press and Online Media Council, Federal Police Administration, Sarajevo Canton Police Commissioner Nusret Selimović, FB&H Interior Minister Aljoša Čampara, B&H Prosecutor's Office, Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor's Office, Federal Prosecutor's Office, Sarajevo Canton Anti-Corruption Office.

The letter, signed by the Media director of the company "Avaz roto press", Fadil Mandal, can be read below:

We would like to inform you that "Daily avaz", as the most widely circulated and influential daily in B&H, is once again under attack and threats from dangerous figures that we believe are connected to the governing structures.

Namely, on Facebook profiles of several people, including certain Amel Kovačević and Jasmin Mulahusić (he is on the UN list as an aide to Islamic terrorists), against whom an investigation has been additionally launched in the Prosecutor's Office of B&H for threatening journalists and numerous public personalities and politicians, a leaflet is distributed in which "conscientious citizens and patriots" are called and instructed what to do in case of "new riots on the streets of the cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina".

With instructions on how to take pictures, follow and report every person who calls for protests against the current government, the authors of this leaflet directly call on their followers to use violence in front of "Avaz Twist Tower", the headquarters of the media concern and portal "Daily avaz".

"In case of violent demonstrations, gather in front of Avaz Twist Tower and block all approaches. If necessary, you can light a few tires in front of it, so that the badger is driven out of the den! Take care not to hurt anyone and do not take justice into your own hands! Hand over the perpetrators of the crimes to the authorities! ", it is literally stated in the leaflet.

Apparently, the "crime" of "Daily avaz" is that it writes about the corrupt government in the Federation of B&H led by the SDA, reveals the arms of a criminal octopus that procured Chinese respirators and other medical equipment during the coronavirus pandemic, which indicates the involvement of SDA staff in covering up the murder of Dženan Memić,  writes about suspicious deaths and events at the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo, opens space in the newspaper for opposition opinions and documented stories about high corruption and crime of the current government.

Attached to this letter, we send you screenshots of some announcements and persons participating in this hunt for "Daily avaz" journalists, but also colleagues from other media, where you can easily see the connection with the SDA, ISA director and Izetbegović couple.

This is not the first threat to the journalists of "Daily avaz", but because of the current events and the atmosphere that is being created on social networks where the so-called SDA bots, we really fear for our lives and we call on you to take adequate actions and condemn such calls for violence and lynching of journalists.

In the hope that you will recognize the importance of protecting freedom of the media and freedom of expression for the development of democracy in B&H, I cordially greet you,

Fadil Mandal

Media director of the company "Avaz roto press".
