BiH gets new government without SDA

The biggest blow to the SDA will undoubtedly be the loss of control over the security agencies, above all the Intelligence and Security Agency (ISA)

Agreement of the "Eight" and partners for a better BiH. Fena

D. Hadžović

This week should be crucial in the formation of the new government, at least when it comes to the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Denis Zvizdić announced that an emergency session of the House of Representatives will be held during the week, at which a new convocation of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina should be appointed.

Everything is agreed

Let's recall that six pro-Bosnian parties with SNSD and HDZ agreed on the names of ministers for the new convocation of the Council of Ministers. Given that they have an absolute majority in the House of Representatives, the confirmation of the new government at the BiH level should be just a formality. For the new composition of the State Government, the CEC and SIPA submitted opinions on all the candidates for ministers to the incumbent Borjana Krišto.

In this way, the path was opened for the creation of state power without the SDA. The price of losing power for this party is huge. The state budget amounts to more than one billion KM. However, the fact that some of the most important ministries and agencies are located at this level is much more important.

Thus, the SDA will be left without the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as an important instrument through which it created foreign policy and staffed the country's diplomatic service in accordance with its interests.

The biggest blow will undoubtedly be the loss of control over the security agencies, above all the Intelligence and Security Agency (ISA), which in previous years, under the leadership of Osman Mehmedagić Osmica, was one of the most important levers of the rule of the SDA and the Izetbegović couple.

Control over ISA

Considering that numerous pressures were exerted on political opponents and other institutions through the resources of this institution, the depoliticization of the ISA could be an introduction to the much freer work of other institutions as well, primarily in the domain of security and justice, which can pave the way for revealing of some of the biggest affairs in this country that have been pushed under the carpet and left in drawers for years.

The formation of a new convocation of the Council of Ministers should precede the formation of a new majority at the level of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will consist of the eight parties and the HDZ. Nevertheless, the SDA still hopes that it could block the election of the new FBiH Government, thanks to the position of the FBiH Vice President, who formally has the option of not giving consent to the appointment of a new Government. A minimum of 11 hands is required to nominate a candidate for the FBiH Presidency.

Admitting defeat

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegović is also aware that the state level has been lost and that there will definitely be no power there, and he has publicly admitted defeat.

- As for the state level, I am not sure that we will be the government, and as for the federal level, it will not be possible to form it without us - said Izetbegović in his last public appearance.

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