President of the Jewish Community Jakob Finci: Schmidt still does not understand the mentality of BiH politicians

According to Finci, the electoral law cannot be changed "bit by bit", but a comprehensive reform is needed

Finci: It will be a little better after the elections. Agencies

Al. Bajramović

Israel's ambassador to Albania, who is also in charge of BiH, was reprimanded after he supported the electoral reform plan in BiH in a way that suits the HDZ, and a new ambassador was appointed to this position.

Pay attention

The President of the Jewish Community in BiH, Jakob Finci, considers Israel's decision like this a smart one, but points out that the ambassador's mandate has certainly expired, and that HDZ President Dragan Čović met with the new ambassador in Israel.

- I believe that this will help our politics and diplomacy to improve relations with Israel, because until now, apart from formal diplomatic relations, we have not had any other contacts, and I think that Israel deserves to be paid attention to, too - says Finci.

According to Finci, the electoral law cannot be changed "bit by bit", but a comprehensive reform is needed, along with changes to the Constitution and the implementation of the decisions of the Court in Strasbourg, but after the elections.

- Those who have waited until now can wait a little longer. Our house is not on fire, thank God, and I hope there won't be a fire either - explains Finci.

Commenting on the attacks from Sarajevo on the high representative, as well as other friends in the world, Finci says that in BiH there is a custom "if you are not with me, then you are against me".

- It seems to me that there is no good will among the leaders, as we call them, of the three constituent nations. They just want to outwit each other and keep the chairs. I don't expect any radical changes, but it will be a little better after the elections, so it will be easier to find a solution - adds Finci.

The electorate

He says that Christian Schmidt has only been in BiH for a year and that he still does not understand the mentality of BiH politicians.

- We, who have been following it for 30 years, know that one thing is their speech for the electorate, the other is to threaten those others, the third thing is for the world to see that I am good, honest and that I can be dealt with. Schmidt is not yet used to it, he has not yet entered into the mentality of Bosnia and Herzegovina's politicians, which is specific, but, unfortunately, not good and useful - Finci points out.

What do the members of the Presidency do?

- I don't know who of our current members of the Presidency can say what he did in that position, regardless of whether it is Izetbegović, Dodik, Čović or Komšić. What did they do in their mandate? They did nothing, because according to the Constitution they can't do anything, but it is very important that "I sit in the Presidency because then I have something to worry about". The difference between our presidency and the Queen of England is only that the Queen opens the parliament session once a year - says Jakob Finci.
