Bosniak Little Red Riding Hoods

Bosniak politics is a victim of its own maximalist, nebulous fairy tales

Danijal Hadžović

Here, as the mainstream of Bosniak politics, theories are coldly placed on how we will abolish the Republic of Srpska. Avaz

The biggest problem of Bosniak political thought and consciousness here is that it is at the level of Little Red Riding Hood. When I listen to individual politicians and professors here, I seriously wonder if we are dealing with people whose intellectual development got stuck at the level of seven-year-olds.

Here, as the mainstream of Bosniak politics, theories are coldly placed on how we will abolish the Republic of Srpska, how a "one man - one vote" system should be established in the entire state, how constituent peoples should be deleted from the Constitution, how the state should be divided into four regions ...

Silajdžić overthrew the "April package" on the story of the abolition of the Republic of Srpska, a huge step forward in constitutional reforms in the direction of strengthening the state, all with loud applause from the academy and some media... Komšić has been in the Presidency for 12 years on the story "one man - one vote".

Here, I would immediately sign for such a state, just as I would immediately sign for us to be world champions in football, only the second mentioned is more realistic than the first thing mentioned.

How exactly, guys?

Danijal Hadžović. Avaz

How when most members of two nations in the country oppose it, one of them has an entity, entity voting, both have clubs in People's homes and quotas in power, Serbia and Croatia behind, and how when behind Dayton are the biggest Western powers that guarantee its survival?

Bosniak politics is a victim of its own maximalist, nebulous fairy tales. For three decades, colorful lies have been sold to the people that have nothing to do with common sense.

The minimal possible shift in the functioning of the state is regularly sacrificed for the sake of the utopias of maximalist fairy tales, and the situation in BiH is becoming worse and more hopeless.

I have often heard assessments of how we are a people in pre-political consciousness. I think it's a lot worse, we are actually a people at the level of seven-year-olds who perceive politics, the skill of the possible, the game of power, in itself cruel and pragmatic, from the position of the phantasms of a neurotic child.
