Turkish producer and DJ Burak Yeter for "Avaz" before the concert at White Fortress: The view of Sarajevo from hights is perfect to me

I am sure it’s going to be great night on 11th September

Razgovarala: Helena Javor - Ibrahimbegović

Yeter: He will perform at White Fortress in Sarajevo on Saturday. Private archive

Famous Turkish producer and DJ with an address in Amsterdam, Burak Yeter, is the headliner of the first edition of "Fest.033", which will start on September 11th at White Fortress in Sarajevo.

In an exclusive interview for "Avaz", Yeter spoke about Sarajevo, his plans and revealed how he spent his time at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, how much the overall situation affected his work...

Collaboration with Alica Keys

In couple of days you are coming to Sarajevo. Are you excited because, after all, you have a lot of fans here?

- I had some events in Bosnia & Herzegovina, last event was in Banja Luka. It would be my first in Sarajevo and I am super excited.

Can we expect a spectacle at the White Fortress?

- I can say that i am familiar with historic places because of our Symphonic tours and my virtual sets. I always like Bosnian culture and history, the city sight is perfect to me from high land. And also I can say that the food is great over there. I am sure it’s going to be great night on 11th September.

Yeter: The pandemic has made my work more creative. Private archive

How did you spend your time during the lockdown?

- The live events got cancelled but then i started the virtual concerts in Amsterdam, Antalya, Dubai, Banja Luka, etc. I had more time for the productions, so I produced remixes, new songs and arrangements. I had instagram live with Alica Keys and we started a new song.

80 concerts

Has the pandemic affected your creativity?

- Not at all, even it made my works more creative. As mentioned above during pandemic apart of live events, we worked harder to keep the music on. I definitely missed the live events but now we are back in some countries and by the end of this year, we have around 80 live events confirmed in various countries.

Yeter: After Bosnia and Herzegovina, I perform in Dubai, Mexico, Istanbul, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Mykonos. Private archive

How did it feel when you first got on stage after the break?

- I’m very happy to keep going from the point that i stopped due to pandemic. We started to make some daily plans for some countries now. It’s not like last months or last year. Day by day the booking requests come. In this subject, we can fight against the situation with PCR tests, Vaccine certifications. It’s really very strange period but the music must not stop. As the world turns, the music continues playing.

Music has no expiration date

What are your plans for the future?

- At the moment, I release singles. The last songs that I published were Bring It Back and Last Night, they did pretty well on portals. Also I released my official music video “Oh My My” with Montiego and it hit over 5 millions on Youtube in 3 days. We shot this video in Medellin, Colombia. I believe that the songs are lifeless. I plan to re-touch songs like "Tuesday", "Happy", "My Life is Going On" and release new versions.

From Dubai to Mykonos

- After Bosnia and Herzegovina, I perform in Dubai, Mexico, Istanbul, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Mykonos. I will announce other dates soon - says Yeter.