US national security adviser to travel to Saudi Arabia, UAE

National security adviser to meet with senior leaders on regional, global challenges, says White House

According to the Associated Press, Sullivan will meet with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to discuss the Yemen war. Illustration / AA

H. J. I. / AA

US national security adviser Jake Sullivan will travel to the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), said the White House National Security Council on Monday.

According to a statement by National Security Council's spokesperson Emily Horne, President Joe Biden's adviser will be joined by National Security Council Middle East and North Africa Coordinator Brett McGurk and US special envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking.

- Mr. Sullivan will meet with senior leaders on a range of regional and global challenges - said the statement.

According to the Associated Press, Sullivan will meet with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to discuss the Yemen war, while he might also meet with Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Khalid bin Salman, a brother to the crown prince, said the US network, citing two senior administration officials.

Yemen has been engulfed by violence and instability since 2014, when Houthi rebels captured much of the country, including the capital Sanaa.

A Saudi-led coalition aimed at reinstating the Yemeni government has worsened the situation, causing one of the world’s worst man-made humanitarian crises with 233,000 people killed, nearly 80% or about 30 million needing humanitarian assistance and protection, and more than 13 million in danger of starvation, according to UN estimates.