Associations of Victims: Župljanin does not deserve the consent of BiH CoM for early release

The Association of Victims notes that "it is precisely the blocking and obstruction of the entry of ICTY judgments

Associations of Victims. Fena


The Association of Victims and Witnesses of Genocide, the Association of Detainees in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Association of Families of Martyrs, Detainees and Missing Persons Kotor Varoš sent a letter to the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the information that Stojan Župljanin, a war criminal who was convicted at the Hague Tribunal (ICTY), requested guarantees from the BiH Council of Ministers (BiH CoM) for early release from prison.

- We believe that the Council of Ministers of BiH does not have the legitimacy to provide guarantees as long as the Council of Ministers of BiH, led by the Minister of Justice, blocks the entry of final judgments of the ICTY into the legal system of BiH, as there are critical reports of the ICTY and the Residual Mechanism for Criminal Courts from The Hague, addressed to the Council of UN security - it is stated in the open letter.

Addressed to the chair Borjana Krišto

In the letter, addressed to the chair Borjana Krišto, it is stated that guarantees cannot and must not be given without the opinion of the victims of Župljanin's crimes, even after the judgments of the ICTY are entered into the criminal records of our country.

Blocking and obstruction

The Association of Victims notes that "it is precisely the blocking and obstruction of the entry of ICTY judgments that enable criminals to engage politically and socially in BiH, to be 'flawless' citizens, and that not entering judgments enables the negation of crimes and ICTY judgments".

- Giving guarantees to Stojan Župljanin would be a confirmation that, after the political support of Dario Kordić from FBiH President Lidija Bradar and Minister in the FBiH Government Sanja Vlaisavljević, criminals and criminal policies that have been sentenced by the ICTY are systematically supported - the letter states.