Ifet Feraget for "Avaz": What we have been saying since the first day turned out to be true

We are supported by the entire public because simply everyone cares that the judiciary is cleansed of criminals, of people who have completely gone astray in the judiciary, Feraget said

Feraget: We are very consistent. Avaz

A. Ovčina

The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina issued an official order today to initiate an investigation into the case of "Dženan Memić" against seven persons, including for the crime of murder.

Lawyer Ifet Feraget told the "Avaz's" portal that an order was passed to conduct an investigation in relation to these persons and several unknown persons related to murder and organized crime in connection with other criminal acts.

- Our fight is very persistent. We are very consistent. It is done systematically. We finally have indicators that everything we've been saying since day one is true. It is not in vain that justice is a constant and permanent will to give everyone the right that belongs to them - said Feraget.

He added that they have this will because it is the interest of all the citizens of this country and, as he says, they have incredible support.

- We are supported by the entire public because simply everyone cares that the judiciary is cleansed of criminals, of people who have completely gone astray in the judiciary, but also caused enormous damage to the entire system. Some say it's a simple case, and I say that "Dženan Memić" and "David Dragičević" were simple cases if we had prosecutors, however, since we didn't, those simple cases turned into extremely complex cases because we have brave parents and myself and we decided to say no once - he points out.

We remind you that the investigation was launched against the current judge of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the former chief prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of Sarajevo Canton Dalida Burzić, the former prosecutor of the SC Prosecutor's Office Meris Ćato, the police officer of the SC MUP Sakib Kremo, the former police commissioner of the SC MUP Vahid Ćosić, as well as the traffic expert Ševal Kovačević and unknown persons.
