After "Avaz's" article, an indictment was filed against Šerif Patković: He used a car worth 84,000, bought with veterans' money

The indictment was also filed against Seno Šehović, the former director of the Foundation, for the criminal offense of abuse of position or authority

Patković: Bought an expensive Volkswagen Tiguan with money from the Foundation's account. Avaz

M. Aš.

The Municipal Court in Sarajevo confirmed the indictment of the SC Prosecutor's Office against Šerif Patković, the former chairman of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for providing assistance in solving housing issues of members of the veteran population, and Sena Šehović, the former director of the Foundation, for the criminal offense of abuse of position or authority.

This affair was discovered by "Avaz" in 2018.

The defendants are accused of having bought a Volkswagen Tiguan car from June 2016 to October 2018, without the consent of the FBiH Government as the founder of the Foundation and without the knowledge and necessary Decision of the Board of Directors, with money from the Foundation's account, which was intended to help the veteran population in the FBiH.

Namely, the accused Seno Šehović concluded a Financial Leasing Agreement with the company Porsche Leasing Sarajevo on the purchase of a car, which was paid from the Foundation's bank accounts in the amount of 84,778.59 KM. After the conclusion of the Agreement, he handed over the car to the President of the Board of Directors, Šerif Patković, who used it without making travel orders and without any restrictions.

Thus, Šerif Patković and Seno Šehović caused property damage to the Foundation for Veterans Affairs in the total amount of 65,991.44 KM, more precisely, the difference between the amount of the total purchase price paid and the value of the car at the time when the Foundation's Board of Directors acquired effective possession of the vehicle and with the determined costs of car use.

In the indictment, the acting prosecutor asked the court to compensate the defendants for the damage they caused to the Foundation. For the main hearing, it was proposed to the court seven witnesses to testify, two experts and presented more than 150 material pieces of evidence.

Article from the printed edition of "Dnevni avaz" published in 2018. Avaz