Radončić: Milanović should give up on the HVO line-up in Mostar and he should stop populist provocations

Milanović should reconsider his decision and give up coming to our country, because this will further contribute to the deterioration of the already delicate Bosniak-Croat relations, the statement said

Radončić: Milanović is definitely pointing the finger at Bosniaks, as the most numerous people but also the biggest victims of genocide and war atrocities of multiple aggression on BiH. SBB Press Center

SBB Press Center

The leader of the Alliance for a Better Future of BiH (Savez za bolju budućnost – SBB), Fahrudin Radončić, reacted to the new statements of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanović.

- The announcement by the President of the Republic of Croatia Zoran Milanović that "he is coming to BiH to line up the HVO on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment ", today's 1st Infantry Regiment of the BiH Armed Forces, where he will present several meals, represents an unnecessary blow to the sovereignty of Bosnia Herzegovina!

Such worrying moves, that the president of one sovereign state intends to line up the army of another sovereign state, with extremely dubious intentions, are an indication that Zoran Milanović does not respect our state, its institutions, or the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. His populist moves could have detrimental consequences for relations between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and are contrary to standards in interstate and diplomatic relations.

Arriving at the HVO line-up in Mostar, for which the International Court of Justice in The Hague found involved in a joint criminal enterprise aimed at ethnically cleansing parts of BiH of non-Croats, Milanović is definitely pointing the finger at Bosniaks, as the most numerous people but also the biggest victims of genocide and war atrocities of multiple aggression on BiH.

Therefore, Milanović should reconsider his decision and give up coming to our country, because this will further contribute to the deterioration of the already delicate Bosniak-Croat relations - the SBB said.
