What is hidden in encrypted mobile phones, found at and owned by criminals, the contents of which are known to the SC Ministry of the Interior

The key ones are "safe mobile phones" or crypts, which criminals used through the "Sky" application, and their names are associated with people who, among other things, are close to the ISA leadership

Mehmedagić and Selimović. Avaz

Miralem Aščić

The Intelligence and Security Agency (ISA), headed by director Osman Mehmedagić Osmica, suspected of numerous criminal offenses, the only director in the world who does not have a valid diploma, according to the already seen scenario for overthrowing Gordana Tadić from the position of chief state prosecutor, has launched Operation "Nusret Selimović", which at all costs seeks to remove the Police Commissioner from the Police Directorate of the SC Ministry of the Interior.

Attacks by regime media

For days, files from the Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor's Office related to the murder of Sarajevo police officers have been leaking, under the guise that Selimović obstructed the investigation into the murder of Sarajevo police officers Adis Šehović and Davor Vujinović three years ago in Alipašino Polje.

The Independent Audit and Election Committee of the Police Commissioner also met yesterday. A plan to overthrow Selimović has been under preparation for months, and the investigation into the killing of police officers was used only to intensify attacks by regime media and journalists on ISA's payroll to remove the ISA commissioner who arrested Osmica, through the Prosecution and eligible prosecutors, continued its “activities”.

In addition, Selimović is a hindrance to the SDA, a party that has controlled the work of the Police Directorate and commissioners for years and instructed who should be arrested and when. Since they have lost control over the Prosecutor's Office of B&H, so they do not control the MUP SC, the obstacle for years is the commissioner who does not fulfill the wishes of the Green Guard.

However, the real panic at the ISA headquarters is, according to "Avaz", due to the crypt. More precisely, because of the encrypted mobile phones that were found with the criminals during the investigation related to the murder of the Sarajevo police officers. The suspects used them for calls and messages. This was revealed by the recent search in Bosanska Gradiška, where SIPA was looking for the dangerous criminal Milivoje Lovrinović Čomi.

Used only for a showdown with the SC Ministry of the Interior

But the key is “secure cell phones” or crypts used by criminals through the “Sky” app. As this application was uncovered with the help of foreign police agencies, it became clear who used it and who communicated through the application from the Balkan underground. This application helped the SC Ministry of the Interior to discover the killers of Sarajevo police officers, after which the SC Prosecutor's Office was supplemented with a report with the names of all the suspects.

Among them is Aleksandar Macan, a fleeing car mobster from Pale. But not only him, at least three other people from the "Volan" case who are being tried for vehicle theft in B&H.

However, as the data from the crypt is available only to the SC Ministry of the Interior, which received certain information used by criminals from the Balkans, and their names are related to people who are, among other things, close to the ISA leadership, whose content is known only to the SC Ministry of Interior, so the panic in the ranks of the secret service in B&H is growing. The investigation into the murder of the police officers was used only for a showdown with the SC MUP and Selimović in order to remove him.

It will be interesting to follow everything in the coming days as some ISA employees used the “Sky” app to communicate with individual criminals.

The question is how the dangerous criminal Lovrinović entered B&H at all after he blew up Strahinja Stojanović with a car bomb in Belgrade. Lovrinović hid in B&H for months, and then regularly crossed the border with Croatia. ISA had to know all that, because this is a person who is dangerous for the national security of B&H.