Dodik: War is not an option for resolving any issues in B&H

Republic of Srpska will continue to take care of itself, because that is the only way to preserve the constitutional B&H, he emphasized

Milorad Dodik. Screenshot

H. J. I. / Fena

B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik said today after a meeting with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar that war is not an option for resolving any issues in B&H and that all processes should be political.

Dodik said that the issue of war is a topic that has no real basis.

- Neither I nor anyone from the Republic of Srpska called for war as an option, and in that respect we absolutely agree that peace and stability should be preserved. Republic of Srpska will continue to take care of itself, because that is the only way to preserve the constitutional B&H - said Dodik.

"We are for a constitutional B&H"

He said that he made concrete proposals to Escobar, stating that "all those who are seber rattling in B&H should be the subject of quick interventions.”

- International forces should be directed against such people. No one is allowed to use weapons against others - Dodik emphasized.

He informed Escobar, he says, that all political actions should be constitutional actions.

- We have no intention of undermining territorial integrity. We do not share the value of B&H, which is created by violating the Constitution. We are for a constitutional B&H - said Dodik.

Armed Forces of B&H

Speaking about Dayton, he underlined that there are no problems with Escobar on that issue.

- They see it in some other form, and we see it in a form that is connected to the constant destabilization of Srpska. We do not share the value of B&H, which was created by violating the Constitution - Dodik stated.

On this occasion, he referred to the fact that the public should know that the Armed Forces of B&H cannot fill the quotas for Serbs and Croats, because they don’t want to go to that army.

- We do not want Muslims to enter those quotas that belong to Serbs and Croats and for it to be a Muslim army - said Dodik.