Witness Bavrka: I didn't even know what ventilators are. Pehar told me that they are artificial lungs

Bavrka, whose testimony was very confusing, explained what was discussed at the sessions of the Federal Crisis Staff, of which he has been a member since March 25th last year

A. Aljimi

Novalić after the trial. A. Aljimi

The trial of Bakir's Prime Minister Fadil Novalić and others in the "Ventilators" affair continued today in the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In addition to Novalić, FB&H Finance Minister Jelka Milićević, suspended director of the Federal Civil Protection Administration Fahrudin Solak and Fikret Hodžić, owner of the „Srebrena malina“ company, are also accused.

Tončo Bavrka, director of the Federal Directorate for Commodity Reserves, who is also a member of the Federal Crisis Staff, appeared as a prosecution witness.

Bavrka, whose testimony was very confusing, explained what was discussed at the sessions of the Federal Crisis Staff, of which he has been a member since March 25th last year.

He explained that due to the worsened epidemiological situation, the sessions were held daily, and often by phone.

The witness stated that the plan for the procurement of medical equipment was made by the Federal Institute of Public Health, but that he did not understand it because he is an economist by profession.

He stated that the contact person for the materials was Enes Memić, who submitted all the documentation they needed to comment on.

He also said that the FBiH government planned to spend five million KM on equipment, but an additional seven million was later set aside.

He said he didn't even know what ventilators are, so he asked Davor Pehar, director of the Federal Institute of Public Health, who told him they are artificial lungs.

The witness also said that he was not aware that the „Srebrena malina“ was procuring ventzilators, but that he knew that according to the law, the one who procures the goods was also obliged to provide storage.

Prosecutor Hukeljić had to show the statement whoch the witness gave during the investigation on several occasions because he answered certain questions differently.

- I didn't even think I would be a witness, I don't think there was a need for that. I asked if we could use these ventilators in hospital treatment or just in the Emergency Room. I also asked if we have enough quality cars where we can install these ventilators, if they are not for hospital treatment - said Bavrka.

The trial is due to continue tomorrow.