SBB President Fahrudin Radončić congratulated the New Year 1443 AH

I believe that the New Hijri Year gives a new opportunity for everyone to show more mutual understanding, respect and appreciation and to, in terms of the essential message of the Hijra, leave everything that is not good and useful, said Radončić

Radončić: An opportunity to show additional unity. SBB

SBB Press Center

The President of SBB, Fahrudin Radončić, sent congratulations to Reis-l-ulema Husein ef. Kavazović, all members of the Islamic Community in B&H and Muslims on the occasion of the New Year 1443 AH.

- I pray to Allah for all of you to welcome the Hijri year 1443 and spend it happy and satisfied in health, peace and security. In these difficult and uncertain times of the pandemic, the year ahead is an opportunity for us as Muslims, as a society and a state, to show additional unity, strength and desire to work together and fight against all adversities that stand in the way of prosperity. I believe that the New Hijri Year gives a new opportunity for everyone to show more mutual understanding, respect and appreciation and to, in terms of the essential message of the Hijra, leave everything that is not good and useful - said Radončić.