Schmidt: I will talk to everyone, I am confident in a constructive dialogue

He underlined that it is not only up to the international community to show the progress that is expected and to move forward

Christian Schmidt. Fena

H. J. I. / Fena

The new High Representative in B&H, Christian Schmidt, met today with B&H Presidency Chairman Željko Komšić and Presidency member Šefik Džaferović, said that B&H would return to the international agenda with the help of the international community.

-Today I am officially in the Presidency for the first time and it was the first meeting on my schedule since I took over the duty of the High Representative in B&H. I will perform this duty with a firm determination to help the people of this country, I will use all my strength and not only my own but also the strength of the international community and my influence to achieve that- Schmidt said after the meeting.

In his work, he says that he relies on the support of the Peace Implementation Council and close cooperation with the European Union and especially the United States.

-In accordance with the Dayton Peace Agreement, I will see the Presidency of B&H and the institutions of B&H as the first of my work partners in accordance with the Constitution. The integrity of B&H with the two entities must be protected and with the help of the international community of B&H we will return to the international agenda. We will all work together on 14 priorities for B&H's accession to the European Union, and especially on the protection of the territorial integrity of the state- says Schmidt.

He expressed regret that B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik did not attend the meeting today.

-I am convinced that we will find opportunities to meet and work together, because it is our obligation - to work in the best interest of the people and B&H. I will continue to talk to everyone and I am convinced that we will reach a constructive dialogue- said Schmidt.

He underlined that it is not only up to the international community to show the progress that is expected and to move forward.

-It's on everyone. Everyone in office at the state, entity, cantonal and municipal levels should work towards this goal. One cannot expect someone to come from outside and do a miracle. Everyone must think carefully about how they can contribute to betterment of the country and for B&H to join the EU. No one in the EU can understand that someone does not want to cooperate. After the difficult experience of the Second World War, the EU is based on cooperation, mutual understanding and tolerance. I am not here just to watch what is happening and wait, I am here to be active and rest assured that I will be- Schmidt pointed out.