Muriz Memić: I expect acquittal because we all know that there was no traffic accident

It is important to emphasize that there is no evidence that would bring Ljubo Seferović in the case of a car accident, said Ifet Feraget

B. C.

After the hearing in the Supreme Court of FB&H in the case against Ljubo and Bekrija Seferović, and in the case of the death of Dženan Memić, the father of the injured young man Muriz Memić and lawyers Ifet Feraget and Rusmir Karkin addressed the press.

We should remind you that the Supreme Court Chamber announced the final decision in this case for July 27th.

These are the words of the prosecutor

Muriz Memić said that this was the end of the agony.

- I think this is over. Žujo and Karan repeated what they said in the Cantonal Court. I think that is enough for the Supreme Court, I think this is the end of the agony. I expect acquittal, because we all know that the traffic accident did not happen. We managed to prove it. The Federal Prosecutor's Office is not behind these words of Vlado Mišković. These are his words - said Memić.

Lawyer Ifet Feraget, who represents the Memić family, said that the acquittal would take place on Tuesday, July 27th.

- We have been fighting this battle together from the beginning. What I told Muriz five and a half years ago when he first came to my office, it will happen on Tuesday at 1 PM. It is difficult to refrain from commenting in a situation where the federal prosecutor states such things. This should be recorded and repeated in all media to see what should not be done. The expert's findings confirmed what we had been saying from the beginning. There was no traffic accident. This has been going on for five and a half years, it cost millions of marks. And, the layman saw from the beginning what it was about - Feraget pointed out.

The Seferovićs were set up

- It is important to emphasize that there is no evidence that would bring Ljubo Seferović in the case of a traffic accident. Nothing has been proven here. This is a crime in the judiciary. This is a shame that will never be forgotten. It is not professional and fair for me to speak in advance, but I will tell you that you will hear the acquittal on Tuesday- said lawyer Feraget.

Lawyer Rusmir Karkin called on journalists to come on Tuesday and hear the acquittal, because the evidence is of such a nature as to confirm that the Seferovićs did not commit a car accident and that the late Dženan Memić was killed. When asked by journalists how the Prosecution found Seferovićs in the first place, Karkin said that Ljubo and Bekrija had been rigged.
