Dženan Memić case: Alisa Mutap said, "I don't know anything, let me go because of my baby"

At today's hearing for the extension of custody in the "Dženan Memić" case, she again said that she does not remember anything

Mutap - Ramić during the arrest. Archive

A. Aljimi

At today's hearing for the extension of custody in the "Dženan Memić" case, the accused Alisa Ramić-Mutap also addressed the Court of B&H.

- I have been suffering a media lynching for five years. They said I should be raped in order to say it all. They wrote that I was a murderer. They followed me. My life stopped and I was only 19 then. They only condemned me for staying alive. I agree to all the expert examinations, international and polygraph testing, just to find out what happened. I have a scar on my lower back and a hole in my head where no hair has ever grown. The only nice thing is that I got pregnant and I don't even know how I am handling the pregnancy. I was available to everyone to find out everything - said Mutap-Ramić.

She said again that she rememberes nothing.

- I don't know anything, let me go because of my baby - said Mutap-Ramić.