Students of the American University in B&H: We want diplomas and annulment of American citizenship for Prcić

Karušić asked how that diploma, when none of it was distributed, ended up in the hands of Osman Mehmedagić

Students organized protests due to the blocked graduation process. I. Jakubović

Financial costs

Karlo Karušić, a graduate student of the American University in B&H, points out that four years of study were done on time and that all financial costs of the students were covered.

- The thesis is done. However, we are still waiting for graduation. Our demands are the issuance of diplomas that are American accredited, the issuance of documentation to students and the annulment of American citizenship to Denis Prcić - Karušić emphasized.

Students of the American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized protests today because the process of issuing diplomas was blocked. The founder of the University, Denis Prcić, is in custody, and today Osman Mehmedagić was arrested on the order of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H, which is investigating him in the "Diploma" affair, but he is also suspected of money laundering when buying two houses in Sarajevo.

Annulment of citizenship

Denis Prcić, as they say, is demanding the annulment of his American citizenship because there are four court cases against Prcić: racketeering students, fraud with the National Security Academy, work without a permit in Sarajevo Canton, and students are wondering who covered that all these years, as well as the unauthorized issuance of a diploma to Osman Mehmedagić.

- How did that diploma, when none of it was handed out, ended up in the hands of Osman Mehmedagić - Karušić asked.

Political protection

Students in Sarajevo, as they say, went to classes in the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies, in the former premises of TV Pink, High School of Mechanical Engineering.

- Prcić is also being tried in a court in New York for domestic violence against his ex-wife, and he is also being tried in B&H for violence against another woman. Such a person did not deserve to be called an American citizen - said Jasmin Memić, a student at the American University in Tuzla.

He added that Prcić had political protection.

- The parents of the students, as well as the students, feared Denis Prcić - Memić pointed out.