The disciplinary proceedings against Ranko Debevac will begin next week

The Office of the Disciplinary Prosecutor (UDT) filed a lawsuit against Debevac on April 2nd this year

Debevec: Accused of three counts. Avaz

M. Aščić

The first instance disciplinary commission of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) has scheduled the beginning of disciplinary proceedings against Ranko Debevec, the president of the Court of B&H, for June 7th, the "Avaz" portal has learned.

The Office of the Disciplinary Prosecutor (UDT) filed a lawsuit against Debevac on April 2nd this year, and a preparatory hearing is scheduled for Monday.

Threats to the prosecutor

As it was announced at that time from the Office of the Disciplinary Prosecutor, the lawsuit against Debevec refers to inappropriate contact with the person against whom the proceedings are being conducted before the court he manages.

This is Osman Mehmedagić, the director of ISA, as evidenced by the published photos in the media.

The second count charges Debevec with making comments of inappropriate content through communication with the prosecutor who is acting in the case in which the defendant is a participant in the proceedings.

The report was filed by prosecutor Vedrana Mijović, who charged and formed a case against Debevec.

The report alleges that Debevec put pressure on her by sending her text messages in an attempt to stop or redirect the flow of prosecutorial checks on allegations in the criminal charges against him.

- From the above messages sent to me, a clear and unambiguous conclusion can be drawn that, using his influence, the President of the Court of B&H fojund out that I, as the acting prosecutor, sent requests to the HJPC and SC MUP for official data ie the information they have about him - Mijović stated in the report to the HJPC Office.

According to the third point of the lawsuit, Debevec is charged with intentionally providing insufficient information to the HJPC on property abroad, through personal financial reports submitted to the Council.

Specifically, Debevec is accused of not declaring property in Spain, but also of intentionally providing false, misleading or insufficient information regarding job applications and promotion issues or any other matters within the competence of the Council.

He used dual citizenship

He was reported to the Office of the Disciplinary Prosecutor that he hid this information when applying for the position of prosecutor, and later judge, as well as in the application for the head of the Court of B&H.

After all, Debevec used the dual citizenship of Spain, and it is disputable that B&H has not signed an agreement on dual citizenship with the Kingdom of Spain. This means that Debevec could not even have dual citizenship of B&H and Spain.