The Pension and Disability Insurance Institute submitted data: Osmica had to retire four months ago

Mehmedagić and Buha hid the data, but what did the Prosecution witnesses reveal?

Mehmedagić: Going from one affair to another. Archive

H. J. I.

Osman Mehmedagić Osmica, director of the Intelligence and Security Agency (ISA) of B&H, according to the data of the Federal Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance (PIO / MIO), which were forwarded to the Prosecutor's Office of B&H, is officially a pensioner.

The law is clear

According to the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute, Mehmedagić had to retire four months ago because it was determined that he had completed 40 years, four months and 26 days of work experience (including benefited work experience), officially registered with the Federal Institute (PIO / MIO) concluding with yesterday.

The Law on Work in the Institutions of B&H specified that the employment, according to the force of law, ends when the employee completes 40 years of insurance experience, regardless of age.

"Avaz" published this information on May 11th. At the request of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H, the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute forwarded them complete documentation, which confirmed that Bakir's Osmica was performing the duty of the head of the secret service as a pensioner.

Mlinarević: She testified in the Prosecution. Avaz

He has been doing that for months and he is regularly receiving a salary of more than 5,000 KM, and in that way he is gaining illegal property. For these four months, he illegally earned 20,000 KM.

Mehmedagić and his deputy Trifko Buha hid this information from the public, which is why the Prosecution, after the discovery of "Avaz", initiated checks and started hearing witnesses.

Employees questioned

Vesna Mlinarević and Bruna Jurić, heads of the ISA, were questioned in the Prosecutor's Office yesterday. Mlinarević is the director of the ISASupport Directorate. She stayed in this judicial institution for almost an hour, but, according to the information that we have, her service did not have information about Osmica's retirement, because this was obviously hidden from the employees as well.

Jurić: She responded to the summons to testify. Avaz

What data does the Cantonal Pension and Disability Insurance Institute have?

It is interesting that the Prosecutor's Office of B&H also received data on Mehmedagić's length of service from the Cantonal Pension and Disability Insurance Institute in Sarajevo. However, according to these data, Osmica has 39 years and 4 months of experience and this does not match the data from the Federal Pension and Disability Insurance Institute, which, according to the law, is the most relevant.