Nikšić for "Avaz" on grand coalition of opposition from FB&H and RS: Wide front of resistance to ruling ethno-nationalists

How nervous Bakir and Milorad are and how much they care about preserving power and protecting themselves and their closest associates from responsibility for crime is best seen by the fact that they have already started the campaign

Nikšić: We should gather around the same ideas. Avaz

Miralem Aščić

Nermin Nikšić, the leader of the SDP B&H, confirmed for "Avaz's" portal that talks will be held on a large political platform of opposition forces from the Federation and RS for the state level. As he told us, there is already a preliminary agreement.

New virtual wars between coalition partners

- What is new on the political scene is the fact that the possibility of talks between opposition political parties in the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina is opening up. If we are ready to talk, then it is quite possible to reach an agreement. We are ready to apply the experience of the "Trojka" where, despite ideological differences, we have gathered around a specific program.Even then, we announced that we would look for partners who were willing to join in order to create a wide front of resistance to the ruling ethno-nationalists and offer a clear alternative. Of course, it is clear that there will be ideologically different parties in that alliance as well. However, if we can agree on how we will strengthen the institutions of the system, the rule of law, the fight against corruption and crime, the economy, improve health, the education system, then it is quite clear that this is enough to begin with and that it could restore hope to citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina that a better life is possible, says Nikšić.

As he says, it is clear that these changes are not possible before the elections.

- Until then, instead of serving the public with new virtual wars between coalition partners who regularly sit in the Council of Ministers, and now they have formed a coalition in Srebrenica, I call on them to turn to the life problems of citizens. It is completely clear that they have seceded from the people and that they have had nothing to do with reality for a long time. It is high time that instead of fictitious quarrels, they try to provide vaccines for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Vaccination is necessary for the people to be saved, and secession is a fictional story that is of no use, nor is it meaningless talks about leading the people to war. While they are uselessly arguing over the number of deaths from coronavirus infection in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the figure of 9,000 is approaching. We in the SDP, together with our partners from the Trojka, will look for allies in other political parties that are ready to declare war on corruption and crime, poverty and unemployment. Of course, SNSD, SDA and HDZ lose in that war, and the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and all its citizens win - says Nikšić.

They are not campaigning for themselves

The goal is clear. Remove bad government, Nikšić believes.

- How nervous Bakir and Milorad are and how much they care about preserving power and protecting themselves and their closest associates from responsibility for crime is best seen by the fact that they have already started the campaign through maximum radicalization. One tells the story of secession, aware that it is not possible, the other strikes the drums of war and calls for war. In this way, they are not actually campaigning for themselves, but for each other. During that time, their third partner wisely keeps silent, aware that their fake conflicts and the radicalization of voters are the best campaign for his mantra about endangerment - says Nikšić.