Šarović: We will run together in the elections, the story of peaceful separation is for small children

In this country, wars are being fought for one piece of land, let alone talking about peaceful separation, said Šarović

A. J.

Mirko Šarović. Printscreen

After today's meeting of the leaders of the opposition parties in Republic of Srpska, it was announced that they will run together in the upcoming general elections.

SDS President Mirko Šarović said that the conclusion was that they are ready and that they agreed that the opposition will run together in the upcoming elections.

- That is the decision of all today's participants in the meeting - said Šarović.

He added that he believes that the first principles of joint performance and vision of RS will be presented at the next meeting.

- Changing the election legislation in B&H is one of the most important issues. Each party has its own position on this. The opposition should also take part in that. I think that the meeting was very successful, this format is open for new members and other political parties that are not parliamentary, this front can expand - said Šarović.

When asked by a journalist, he also commented on the story of the peaceful separation.

- It's a story for small children. It’s a story when you don’t have solutions to key life issues, that story is completely fictional. In this country, wars are being fought for one piece of land, let alone talking about peaceful separation. Those who have never fought talk about the war - said Šarović.