Čavka: They divided positions and forgot the agreement for Srebrenica

By signing a new coalition with genocide deniers, everything that was agreed in the previous period was violated, pointed out Čavka

Čavka: With this act, the coalition "My Address Srebrenica" was extinguished. Avaz

The Vice President of the Alliance for a Better Future of B&H, Admir Čavka, said that the latest events in Srebrenica showed the true situation of returnees in smaller B&H entity, ie the policies that govern the processes conducted in Srebrenica.

- Unfortunately, many times so far we have witnessed that many of us are even declaratively in favor of the unity of the returnee corps when it comes to the election campaign. But, immediately after the election, it is clear that only individuals decide on the spoils, that is, on the positions that should be snatched - said Čavka.

According to him, this is exactly what happened in Srebrenica, the place of genocide, the greatest suffering of Bosniaks. Čavka reminds that SBB B&H has participated in all meetings since the founding of the "My Address Srebrenica" initiative and gave full support to the candidate for mayor Alija Tabaković, but also to the coalition in which SBB B&H also participated.

- As the vice president of SBB B&H, I was at most of these meetings, and the representatives of the coalition met on several occasions with the president of SBB B&H, Fahrudin Radončić. We unconditionally supported the boycott of the elections in Srebrenica and provided support to correct the injustice committed by election theft - said Čavka.

Signed statement

At the meeting in Srebrenica, which was attended by the leaders of political parties, it was concluded that the mandates will not be accepted and that in no case will there be cooperation with the deniers of genocide. After that, a meeting of the presidents of the political parties was held with the reis-l-ulema Husein Kavazović. On that occasion, a statement was signed that in the future all pro-Bosnian forces will operate together in the area of smaller Bosnia and Herzegovina entity.

- However, we learned from the media that a coalition was signed in Srebrenica between SNSD, SDA, DF and SB&H without the consent and knowledge of SBB B&H and PDA, which are part of the initiative "My address Srebrinica". By signing this coalition with the genocide deniers, everything that was agreed in the previous period was violated - Čavka pointed out.

In the local elections in Srebrenica, the coalition "My Address Srebrenica" appeared as a separate political entity, and the mandates were separated in the name of the coalition itself, and not in the name of separate political entities. According to Čavka, the representatives of the coalition had to inform all members of the coalition about the steps taken.

- With this act, the coalition "My Address Srebrenica" was extinguished, and it obviously served only for pre-election purposes - to reach certain positions. We can see that from the agreement between SNSD, SDA, DF and SB&H. Functions and seats are divided, and the agreement itself does not mention the denial of genocide and other strategic issues – it was pointed out by Čavka.

It is necessary for us to unite

SBB B&H, adds Čavka, is not a signatory of the mentioned coalition, but this party, as every time so far, will support everything that is good for returnees. The Alliance for a Better Future of B&H will insist on institutional assistance to returnees. This is the only way to ensure the survival of returnees on their doorsteps.

- Returnees who live at home every day, whose children go to school and are discriminated every day, must turn to themselves. We have too many enemies to be our own enemies. Therefore, it is more than necessary for us to unite and solve the accumulated problems together. We must not be on a bus rushing towards the accident. And while the bus is going to a certain doom, we are arguing over who will sit where - said Čavka.