Radončić: Turković, Cikotić and Podžić must start working immediately

All measures were coordinated at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina through the Council of Ministers and the governments of the Federation of B&H and Republic of Srpska and all ten cantons, according to the president of SBB

Fahrudin Radončić. Avaz

E. T.

Fahrudin Radončić, president of the Alliance for a Better Future, posted on his Instagram profile.

You can read his full post below:

- Exactly one year ago, at the truly traumatic beginning of the pandemic and corona crisis, as state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, we had a coordinated response to the pandemic.

Sanitary teams were at the borders, the Coordination Body for Protection and Rescue was more than active, we took care of the timely procurement of medical equipment, medicines and donations, records were kept of each patient and they were controlled are they in self-isolation ...

Intercity bus traffic was prohibited, gatherings, we had many more other measures and fewer deaths. All measures were coordinated at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina through the Council of Ministers and the governments of the Federation of B&H and the Republic of Srpska and all ten cantons.

Crisis staffs have been activated. The health services have been united, and all police resources have been activated, even some members of the B&H Armed Forces. The Council of Ministers held emergency telephone sessions several times a week and resolved problems immediately. There was, at least through the Ministry of Security of B&H and myself, an excellent operational connection with the Presidency of B&H and all its members.

Today, to the great regret and shame, there is no activity in the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Turković, Cikotić and Podžić do not see each other at all and do not have or do not want to show the capacity of mediation and agility in the Council of Ministers and towards their colleagues in it.

Ministers from the SNSD and HDZ seem to deliberately want to compromise any need for the existence of a state level in resolving the historical crisis that is becoming cataclysmic. That is why I call on Turković, Cikotić and even Podžić, to start working immediately.

If Minister Cikotić is not informed how it is possible for the Bi& Council of Ministers to work and coordinate much better and more successfully, Ms. Turković and Požić know how - they were there and sat next to me, as we coordinated, initiated and dynamized the faster and more responsible work of the Council of Ministers.

Bosniaks have no other choice in the situation of mass deaths and late procurement and arrival of larger quantities of vaccines, but to publicly demand that their representatives finally react adequately and act at least approximately as they did a year ago - wrote Radončić.