At the initiative of the SBB club: White bread abolished in the Municipality of Centar

Thus, in the future, the chairman and vice-chairman of the council after a year of work will not be entitled to 4,000 KM - said Haljevac

Sulejman Haljevac. Avaz

A. Ka.

The Centar Municipal Council abolished the white bread for the chairman and vice-chairman of the council, the councilor of the Centar Sarajevo Municipal Council, Sulejman Haljevac Memo (SBB), confirmed for "Avaz".

-The initiative has been adopted. Thus, in the future, the chairman and vice-chairman of the council after a year of work will not be entitled to 4,000 KM - Haljevac added.

We remind you that at today's session of the Municipal Council Center, the councilor of the Alliance for a Better Future of B&H, Ismir Jusko, submitted an initiative to abolish white bread to the chairman and vice-chairman of the council.

- I think that it is superfluous for our budget, but also in general. If state ministers do not have that, why would anyone have it, even those at the municipal level. They have been using this benefit for years - said Jusko.

His proposal is that in the future this money should be directed to socially vulnerable categories of the population in the area of this municipality. The initiative was supported by other councilors.
