Warning due to strong wind: Be careful where you park and what you leave on the balcony

The population was appealed not to leave objects on the balconies of their residential buildings and other open spaces that could endanger the safety of passers-by

Strong wind in our country. Illustration / Agencies

G. M. / Fena

The Cantonal Administration of Civil Protection warned population in the Sarajevo Canton to immediately, in accordance with their competencies and obligations, take the necessary measures for protection and rescue from strong winds, which the Federal Hydrometeorological Institute has warned about today.

Special appeals are made to legal entities that perform works on construction facilities, not to leave objects that could (due to strong winds) fall from the roofs of buildings, scaffolding and thus endanger the safety of passers-by.

The population was appealed not to leave objects on the balconies of their residential buildings and other open spaces that could (due to the wind) endanger the safety of passers-by and not to park vehicles near large trees.

- Municipal civil protection services should put their protection and rescue forces on standby, in order to be ready to respond to the announced strong wind gusts in the area of these municipalities, in accordance with the competencies and obligations under protection and rescue plans - said the Protocol and Press Service of the Sarajevo Canton.

The Federal Hydrometeorological Institute issued an orange warning for a stormy wind (south) whose gusts will be between 60 and 80 km/h, locally around/above 90 km/h.